Following the completion of the uppermost parcels in the Villas last week, crews have continued to rough grade terraces southwesterly to and beyond the intersection of Avienda de las Colinas. Immediately below this intersection, crews are directing their attention to the last site requiring significant fill. As the parcels surrounding this area are established, the excess cut is pushed into the fill site, allowing both to progress efficiently. Work will continue in this manner, working from the perimeter inward until the site is brought to grade. After rough grades are established in this area, work will continue southwesterly. A new scraper was delivered and immediately put to work on Friday. Two additional scrapers are expected to be on-site by next week.
Rough grading will continue to move southwesterly, establishing the remaining terraces. The lowermost parcels are expected to receive their final grades in the coming weeks. Equipment is expected to be mobilized next week to progress this. The area requiring significant fill will continue to be made a priority as the surrounding parcels are shaped in the process.